ESHAGH TOGHYANI, PhD Associated Professor Department of Persian Language and Literature University of Isfahan, Iran
Educational History: Field of Study: Persian: Language and Literature PhD 1374 Tarbiat Modarese Tehran M.A 1364 Tarbiat Modarese Tehran B.A 1358 Allameh Tabatabaee Tehran Research Interest: Epic, Gnosticism, Contemporary Literature. Current Activities: 1. Academic Lecturer in the University of Isfahan since 1365 to Present. 2. Head of Department: 1388 to Present Other Activities: 1.Vice chancellor 1366-1374 2. Head of Faculty: 1384-1387
Publications: Books 1. (1379/2001), Makhzan ol – Asrar Lexicon. Isfahan university Press.1379 2. An Illustration to Sanaaee’s Hadiqeh . Isfahan university Press. 1381. 3. the History of Persian Literature v.1 with Mirbaqeri and others 1381. Tehran Samt Press. 4. the History of Persian literature v.1 with Mirbaqeri and others. ( Second addition). Tehran Samt Press.1383 . 5.the History of Persian literature v.1 with Mirbaqeri and others 1385. Tehran Samt Press. ( third addition) 6. the History of Persian literature v.1 with Mirbaqeri and others 1387. Tehran Samt Press. ( forth addition) 7. An Illustration to Sanaaee’s Hadiqeh . Isfahan university Press. 1385 ( Second addition) . 8. Shiit’s thought and The Poets of Safavied’s era . Isfahan and Art Farhangestan Press. 1385. 9. Hadithes in Persian Poetry to 6th century in Persian Poetry, Anjomane mafakhere Melli Press. Accepted 1386 10. The Role of Isfahan in Persian Poetry Mutation. Isfahan University Press.1386. 11 . The Professor Homayee Biography. ( with Mitra Hashemi) .1378. Esfahan shenasi. 12. Some selections in Poetry of Saeb and the Indian poets. Isfahan university press.1387. 13. An Illustration to Sanaaee’s Hadiqeh . Isfahan university Press. 1386. ( Third addition). 13. Some Selections of sayings Persian and Literature Science. ( With Fatemeh Jamali) . Isfahan university Press. 1387( first Publication). 14. Some Selections of Persian Sayings and Literature Sciences. ( With Fatemeh Jamali) . Isfahan university Press. 1387( Second Publication). 15-30. Some Selections of Persian Sayings and Literature Science. ( With Fatemeh Jamali) . Isfahan university Press. 1387-1401( 17th Publication). 31- Quranic sciences and the influence of Quran and hadith in Persian literature (jointly with Dr. Taghi Ajieh), autumn 2018, Khomein Islamic Azad University publication 32- The history of Iranian literature (2), joint with Mir Bagheri and..., Tehran Samt Press, 2017 33- A selection of poems by Saeb and other Indian style poets, second edition, Isfahan University Press, summer 2019. 34- Teaching Pahlavi calligraphy and language... (jointly with Dr. Aghdas Fatehi), Isfahan, Negar Khane Publishing House, 1st chapter, autumn 2013. 35- Lili and Majnoon Nizami Ganjovi (prose), as a scientific observer, Andiseh Varzan Publishing House, first chapter, Tehran, 2013 36- Attar Nishabouri's Tragedy (Introduction), Andishe Varzan Publishing House, 1st chapter, Tehran, 2013. 37- Correcting the works of Nasrullah Abd al-Momon, the writer of Samarfandi (jointly with Abbas Ali Sataish), first edition, spring 1400, Isfahan, Gohar Goya publishing house. 38- The methods of description in Jami's works (jointly with Hajar Fathi), first edition, Gohar Goya Publishing House, Isfahan, autumn 1400. 39- Flowology of contemporary religious poetry (jointly with Mansoura Rezaei), first edition, Sheikh Bahai Publishing House, Spring 1401.
Articles 16. Quest in Mathnavi. Adabestan Journal. Vo.3&4. Tehran .1371. 17. Symbolism in Mathnavi. 1371. Modaress Press. 1371. (8:51-57) 18. Of Islamic Revolution. Adabestan. Tehran. 1372. 19. Stylistic features in Sannaee’s Hadiqeh. 1376. Journal of Scientific Research. Isfahan University. 20. The Mystical Ideology of Saanaee’s in Haddiqe. Journal of Scientific Research. Isfahan University. 1376. 21. Short Summary in Comparison of Iranian and non-Iranian Epics. Journal of Scientific Research. Isfahan University. 1377. 22. The effect of Manoocheri on Hafiz.The Journal of Farhange Qoomes. Semnan. 1378. 23. Sheikh Amin- aldin. Belyani. And Shmsoldin Hafez Shirazi. Journal of Moaref . vo 18. 1380. 24. Shms’s lonely. Journal of Scientific Research. Isfahan University. 1381. 25. The effect of Listener on Saanaee’s ode.( with Zafarani). Journal of Scientific Research. Isfahan University.1382. 26. Islamic Hadithes in Early Period of Persian Poetry. Journal of Scientific Research. kerman University. 1382. 27. Imaginary aspects of Hakim Naser Khosroo. Journal of Namehe Parsi.1382. 28. Saheb ibne Abbad and Persian Language. Jouenal of Mafakhere Farhangi. 1383. 29. The magnificence of Nezami’s Asceticism. Journal of Derasate adabiyah. Lebenan University. Center of Persian Language and literature. 1382. 3o. the Effect of Phenomenon of Addiction in Saeb Poetry. Journal of Scientific Research. Isfahan University.1384. 31. Nahjol Balaghe and Persian Ancient poetry. Journal of Scientific Research. Kerman University. 1384. 32. Subjective Sociology of Saanaee ‘s works ( with Norian) Journal of Scientific Research. Yazd University. Kawosh Nameh. 1384. 33. The mutual Exchange of Literature and Culture. Journal of Scientific Research. Sistan and Baloochestan University. 1384.. The mutual Exchange of Literature and Culture. Journal of Keihane Farhangi. 1384. 34. The Effect of Qoran and hadith in Saanaee’s Poetry. ( with Aqa Hosseini and Taqe Ajeyy) Journal of Scientific Research. Isfahan University. 35. Description and Imaginary in Manzoomehe Alinameh. ( with Yusefe nikrooz and Aqa hosseini). Journal of Scientific Research. Kerman University.138 5. 36. the analysis of relationship Of mortality with Shathiate and its effect in Attar works. ( with Tayebeh Fadawi and aqa hosseini) . the journal of Islamic Researches. Department of literature . Kerman. Accepted 1386. 37. The effect of Amam Ali ‘s thought in Saaaee’s Haddiqe. The Gohare Gooye. Isfahan university . 38. Inspiration in the point of view of Islamic & Cristian thinkers. Journal of Scientific Research. Sistan and baloochestan University.1385. 39. The Poets’ Ascension. (with Zohreh Najafi). Journal of Scientific Gnostic Research. Kashan. University.1385. 40. The Effect of 6th Century Poets of Esfahan on Literature. ( with behjate Forooghi. The journal of Farhange Isfahan. 1386. 41. The marriage in Gnostic and Sufism. ( with Maryam Najafi) . Journal of Scientific Research Oroomiyeh University.1386. 42. Metaphor in Ghazaliate Shams. Journal of Scientific Research Oroomiyeh University.1386. 43. the analysis of relationship Of mortality with Shathiate and its effect in Attar ‘s Manteq- alteir. ( with Tayebeh fadawi and aqa hosseini) . the journal of Philosophical Kalami Research. The Qom University.1387. 44. The Parvin’s massage. ( with Khodayar Mokhtari). Journal of Scientific Research. Kerman University. Accepted in 138 7. 45. The Ferdusi Astronomy or the s motion of Stars in Shahnameh. ( with Hafize Hatami) . Nameh Parsi journal. 1378. 46. The Mythus and Psychology view to the Birth of Shabdiz in Nezamiz Khosrou-Shorin.( with Tatebeh Fadawi). Journal of Bostane Adab Scientific Research. Shiraz University.1388. 47. Soudaye Sood or Psychological View in Goonbade Haftoom in Khosrou- Shirine Nezami. Journal of Scientific Research. Tehran University.1378. 48. The Position of Three Elements- Conversation, Action and Plan in Structure of Hadiqe Narrations. Journal of Scientific Research in Persian Literal investigations . winter 1387. 49. The Metaphorical analysis of Allegory On the Basis of View point of Eloquent. Journal of Scientific Research. Kerman University.1387 50. The appearance of Existence in contemporary Verse Literature .( with Seyed Mortaza Mirsaedi) . Culture Isfahan Culture. 1387. 51. The Concept of freedom in Persian Literature. Journal of Scientific Research. Khorasgan Azad University.1388. 52. Athletic in Masoom’s Sayings ( a study on Eloquently art in doaye Sabah and 16th Khotbeh of Nahjolbalagh). Journal of Scientific Research. Isfahan University. Winter and Spring 1387. 53. Hafiz and the Facts of Quran. (with Khdayar Mokhtari) . The Journal of Payame Noor. 1388. 54. Prototype City in Nezamy’s Khosorou Shirin. ( with Zahra Moeni). Journal of Scientific Research in Lyric Literature. Sistan and baloochestan University.1388.
Articles in Seminars -Language And Culture in Middle East. Bulletin of Isfahan university. Tehran .1370. - Welayat in Safavied Poetry. The Collection of Articles in Seminar of Welayat in Persian Poetry. Tabriz university.1377. 55. The Impact Of Mashrooteh Revolution on Persian Literature. The collection of Articles on the Seminar of the r\Revolution of Mashrooteh. v. 1.. 1378. Summar. 56. Firdousi’s Shahnamehe A Religious Epic. The collection of Articles in the Seminar of the Emade Faqihea Kermani. 1381. Khordad. 57. the Position of the Persian Literature in Safavied Era. The collection of Articles in the Seminar of Isfahan 1381. 58. The Effect of Emade Faqih Kermani on Hafiz Shirazi. The collection of Articles in the Seminar of the Emade Faqihea Kermani. 1381. Khordad. 59. Khaqani and Isfahan. The collection of Articles on Khaqani Shenasi. Oromieh University. 1384. Khordad. 60. Safi Jami the bereaved Poet 0f Fars Gulf ( with Hosseine salami. The International Seminar of Fars Gulf in History. Isfahan University. V. 3.1384 khordad. 61. The veracity of form and Meaning in Saanaee Divan. The collection of Articles Hakime Sanaee. 1384. Tehran Tarbiat Moalem University. Sokhan Publicaton. 1385. P. 163-180. 62. Art Aspects of Nezami in Desciption 0f The Holy Prophet.The Seminar of art of Prophet . Isfahan . 1385.Day. 63. Woman in Sufism and Gnosticism. (with Maryame Najafi) The Seminar of Promotion in Persian Language and Literature. Isfahan 1385. 64. The Role of Isfahan in Developing Persian Language and Literature. 1385. Accepting. 65. The Artistical Aspects of Parvine Etesami Poetry. 1385. Esfand. The collection of the Articles in Seminar in Reverence of Parvine Etesami. Khanehe Ketab. 66. Physiognomy of Isfahan in Valuable Literature. ( With Reza Ghasemi). The Collection of articles in Developing Culture and Science. 1385. Azar.p 201- 211. 67. Molana and the Yakupson’s Relation Point of view. The Seminar of Molana and Opinions of Literature. 1386. Kerman University. The collection of the Articles Molana pejoohi. Pp.111-123. 6 . Isfahan and Persian Literature Mutation. The collection of Articles in Maktabe Isfahan. V.2. 1387. Summer pp. 37-50. 69. Love in Tradition of Samani. ( with Reza Qasemi). The Collection 0f Articles in Reverence of Ammane samani. 1378. Esfand.pp. 265-276. 70. The aims of Roodaki’s Poetry. The collection of Articles the Year of Roodaki. 1378. Lhanehe Ketab.pp. 281-276. 71. Inner assessment of Persian Group in Isfahan University. The Collection of Artitecles in Seminar of inner assessment. 1386. The organization of evaluation and teaching. pp. 269-284. 72. the effect of Hassane Dehlavi’s Saings on Hafiz Thought.v (with Khodayare Ghasemi). The Collection of Articles in International Seminar of Hassane Dehlavi. Zahedan. 1366. Esfand. Publication.1388. 73. 56. Shahnamehe of Firdousi A Religious Epic. The collection of Articles in the Seminar of the Molla Beman Ali Raji Kermani. Kerman University. 1377. 74. The Concept of freedom in Persian Literature. The First Seminnar of General Culture and Persian Literature. Esfand . 1378. Kerman university. 75. The Necessity in Specialization on the Courses in Persian language and Literature. Shiraz University. 1379. Ordibehat. 76. The effect of Islamic Hadithes 0n the Persian classic Literature. The first Seminar 0f Researches in Persian language and literature. The center of Investigations of language and Literature. Tehran. 1380. Bahman. 77. Religious Aspects of ferdousi’s Shahnameh. The Seminar of ebne Hesame Khoosefi. Birjand University. 13 78. Praise in Nezami’s Sayings. The week of investigation in Isfahan university. 1380. Azar. 79. Khorasan. The Place of Birth of Dari Language. The Seminar of Khorasan in the Course of History. Mashhad University. 1382. 80. The Importance of Persian Literature in teaching Persian to non-native Speakers of farsi.The center of Investigations in Persian language and literature. Tehran . 1382. Bahman. 81. The impact of Mongol’s attack on Persian Literature. ( with Reza Qasemi). The Summary of Collection of the articles of 8th week of Research. Isfahan University. 1384. Azar. 82. The Field of Creation of Jondi Shapoor in the Course of History. Chamran Ahvaz University.1384. Farvardin. 83. Report on the Inner assessment of Persian Group in Isfahan University. Department of Psychology and Education. Tehran university. 1385. Ordibehesht. 84. Isfahan and Persian Literature Mutation. The collection of Articles in Maktabe Isfahan. Art Farhangestan. 1385.Azar. 85. The Pir Jamal aldin Ardestani’s Gnostic Thoughts ( with Rooshnsk Rezaee) . The Seminar in Role of Isfahan in Islamic Science and Civilization Mutation. Isfahan University Press.1385 . Azar. 86. Cultural Physiognomy of Isfahan in Charmahal Literature. ( with Reza GHasemi) The Seminar in Role of Isfahan in Islamic Science and Civilization Mutation. Isfahan University Press.1385 . Azar. 87. Isfahan’s Effect on the Six Century Poetry. ( with Behjat Forooghi). The Seminar in Role of Isfahan in Islamic Science and Civilization Mutation. . Isfahan University Press.1385 . Azar. 88. The Analysis And Research On Sadi and Nezami’s Point of View. The first Seminar 0f Researches in Persian language and literature. 1385. Sharivar. 89. The Artistical Aspects of Parvine Etesami Poetry. 1385.Tehran and Tabriz. Esfand. 90. The Human and Thought. Moulavi. The Seminar of Moulavi. Azad Tabriz University. 1385.Esfand. 91. The similarity of Myth in Asadi TUsi and Garshasp. Tenth Seminar of the Famous men in Sistan and Baluchestan. 1386. Ordibehesht. 92. The background of coming into Existence of Nimaee’s Poetry. The Summery of the Articles of Seminar on the promotion of Persian Language and Literature. Mashhad University. 1386. Shahrivar. 93. The Role of Woman in Sufism and Gnosticism. The collection of the Articles of the 38th international Seminar of the Asian Studies. Turkey. Ankara. 2007 September 15-10.P. 568. 94. Sheikh BAhaee’s Literal Position.( with Khodayar Mokhtari). The Summary of the Articles on the Sheikh BAhaee. Tehran . 1387. Winter.p. 107. 95. Some Considerations on the Explanations and the Meanings of the Some Verses from Nezami’s Khousrou and Shirin. ( with Monireh Soltanel Ketabi) .4th 0f the Seminar of the Developing Persian Language and Literature. Tabriz University.1388.Mordad. 96. Woman in the Shahreyar’s poetry.( with Behjat Foroghi). 4th 0f the Seminar of the Developing Persian Language and Literature. Tabriz University.1388.Mordad. 79.The Utopia of Women in Khosrow Shirin Nizami (jointly with Zahra Moini), Sistan and Baluchistan University's Lyrical Literature Research Journal, year 6, vol. 11, autumn and winter 2017, p. 113 80- Pattern of covering in Khosrow Shirin Nizami (jointly with Zeinab Choqadi), scientific research journal of Tarbiat Moalem University of Tehran, (ISC) year 17, No. 65, Fall 2018, pp. 151-129 81- Khosram Shirin Nizami's poetic form and construction (jointly with Masoud Algune), Peugeot Heshi Literary Research Quarterly, number 24, summer 2018. 82- Ander Pas Lafaheha (jointly with Munirah Sultan Al-Katabi), review and analysis of some verses of Khosrow Shirin Nizami, Peju Hashnameh Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University of Dehagan, 1st year, fall 2008. 83- Islamic Universal Concepts in the Shahnameh, scientific research journal, foreign languages research, journal of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Tehran, number 56, English edition 1388, Accepted 19 Jan 2010, pp. 109-127 84- The sweetest wisdoms of Khosravi (jointly with Samaneh Jafari), scientific research journal Adab Ghanai, issue 13, autumn and winter 2018, University of Sistan and Baluchistan, No. 13 (accepted 25/1/89) 85- Psychoanalytical analysis of Rudabah and Sudabah, (jointly with Ashraf Khosravi), scientific research journal Kaush Nameh of Persian Language and Literature, 11th year of 2019, autumn and winter 2019. 86- Investigating the concept of poverty and destitution in Masnavi, (jointly with Hakimeh Hadi), the specialized quarterly journal of Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University of Dehagan, Vol. 5, second period, spring 2019. 87- Review and comparison of the poetic themes of Masoud Saad and Abufras Hamdani (jointly with Mrs. Nabawi and Mr. Abu al-Hasani), Kerman University's comparative literature research journal, winter 2019, number 3 (accepted, 6/15/89) 88- Investigation and comparison of two semi-historical figures of the Shahnameh (Bahram Gur and Bahram Chobin) based on the theory of power, (jointly with Mrs. Watankhah) scientific research journal, Gohar Goya, year 4, issue 4, series 16, pp. 1-28 89- Thoughts on Salaman and Absal Jami (jointly with Leila Armideh), Literary Thoughts Quarterly, Arak Islamic Azad University, new period, second year, number 3, 2019. 90- Norm deviation in the collection of poems "From this Avesta" (jointly with Samiyeh Sadeghian), two-quarterly scientific-specialist journal of contemporary Persian literature of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, number 1, spring and summer 2010, pp. 81-61 91- Investigation and analysis of the mythological reflection of water in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh (jointly with Rahman Qurbani), a two-quarter specialized scientific journal of Persian literary classics, second year, number one, 1/1/2013 92- Investigating the effect of Divan Maluh on Lili and Majnoon Nizami (jointly with Dr. Najafi and Dr. Baba Safari), scientific research quarterly of Lasan Mobin, year 2, new period, number 2, March 2019 93- Manifestation of Resurrection in Panj Ganj Nizami, (jointly with Zeinab Rezapour) Scientific research quarterly of Persian language and literature of Islamic Azad University of Sanandaj, Vol. 4, 7/1/1389, pp. 73-45. 93.Miraj or Nizami ecstasies, (jointly with Mahbubeh Hamtian), Persian language and literature research quarterly of Islamic Azad University of Sanandaj, No. 4, 7/1/1389, pp. 73-95 94- Morsad al-Abad's stylistic approach to the Holy Qur'an, (jointly with Dr. Taghi Ajieh), scientific research quarterly on the stylistics of Persian poetry and prose (Bahar Adab), 4th year, number 12, summer 2010, pp. 111-125 95- The relationship between literature and ethics with an approach to Ganjai's military works (jointly with Hafez Hatami), specialized quarterly research journal of educational literature, Dahaghan Azad University, pp. 63-82, year 3, no. 10, summer 2013 96- Investigation of Fairy Concepts in Khosrow Shirin Nizami (jointly with Parviz Haidari), Literary Criticism and Stylistics Research Quarterly, Shahr Islamic Azad University, Kurd Shahr Islamic Azad University, first issue of the first year, fall 2009, pp. 127-147. 97- About a verb in Sarar al-Tawheed (to hide or to say?), shared with Hasan Ziyari, Gohar Goya scientific research journal, 6th year, spring 2011, serial 21, pp. 10-10 98- Comparative comparison of Lili's poem and Mahnoun Nizami and Cyranodu Bergerac's play... (jointly with Mouloud Talaei), scientific journal of comparative language and literature research, Tarbiat Modares University, number 13, fall 2013 99- The article love: from Distance (jointly with Shahrokh Mousavian), IJCRB scientific journal (accepted 2012) 100- The artistic function of rhyme in Behzad's poetry... (jointly with Yusuf Karmi), scientific research quarterly of poetry and prose stylistics, summer 2013, number 16, pp. 267-285. 101- Psychological analysis of symbols and archetypes in the story of Karam Haftavad, (jointly with Zeinab Choghadi and Taybeh Jafari), Journal of the Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences of Tarbiat Moalem University (Persian Language and Literature Chapter), Vol. 71, Fall 2013 102- Educational aspects of Masnavi Hadiqeh Sanai (jointly with Maryam Heydari), Scientific Research Quarterly Journal of Educational Literature, No. 15, Fall 2013 103- Analysis of prominent characters in the love saga of Zal and Rudabah, (jointly with Maryam Heydari), Scientific Journal of Persian Literature Textology Research, Winter 2013, Volume 16, pp. 1-16 86- The Analysis of Nizami's Negative Judgments about Women" (jointly with Shahrukh Mousavi), (ISI), Journal: Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business, October Edition 2012-IJCRB Vol.4, No.6. , ISSN 2073 7122 104- Investigation and analysis of the reflection of annihilation in the logic of al-Tairaatar (jointly with Taybeh Fadavi), scientific scientific journal Ayine Marafat, Shahid Beheshti University, year 8, no. 22, spring 2009, pp. 119-99. 105- Investigating the contextual elements in Ni Nameh discourse (jointly with Hojjatizadeh and Mir Bagheri Fard), Linguistic Essays Quarterly (Former Comparative Literature of Tarbiat Modares University), Series 14, D4, Issue 2, Summer 2012, pp. 54-27 106- The use of artistic structures about the lover and the beloved in Husro Shirin Nizami, (jointly with Maryam Iran Menesh and Dr. Mohammadi Pushharaki), the scientific research journal of lyrical literature research (accepted 2/3/92) 107- The power of basic myths, the main factor in the formation of the tragedy of the murder of a boy (jointly with Sanaz Rahim Beigi), Mazdak Nameh magazine (accepted 2/5/92) 108- Maulavi's perspective on the Qur'an in spiritualizing the emotion of grief (jointly with Dr. Taghi Ajieh), Qur'anic Literary Studies Quarterly, Arak University, No. 1, spring 2012. 109- Baidel Qazvini and his Matmakdeh (jointly with Hamid Abediha, Jamshid Mazaheri, Gholamhossein Sharifi), scientific research journal Kahnnameh Adab Persian, accepted 6/31/92 110- Literary criticism and analysis of educational and historical Matmakde Bidel, (jointly with Hamid Abediha, Jamshid Mazaheri, Gholamhossein Sharifi), scientific research journal, Persian Language and Literature Research Quarterly, number 26, autumn 2011 111- The attractions of love in sweet sound and sight (jointly with Koresh Manouchehri), Fiction Literature Quarterly, Razi University, 1st year, Vol. 1, Winter 2011, pp. 33-17 112- The Position of "Ba Yazid Vali-al-din" Manuscript Among the Oldest Versions of Hadigha Sanaeei (jointly with Mariam Haidari and Seyed Ali Asghar Mir Bagheri Fard), IRJABS Magazine, (International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences) ISC, 2013 Available online at, / Vol, 4 (10): 3226-3231. 113- Studying the background and external music of Shahriyar's lyric poetry, (jointly with Mohammad Jalil Bahadri), Persian language and literature scientific journal, Fasa Islamic Azad University, third year (5 consecutive), spring 2011. 114- The Art of Nezami Fiction Narrating in Khosro and Shirin, (jointly with Parveen Rezaei and Gholamhossein Sharifi), an isc journal, (International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences), ISSN 2251-838X / Vol, 6 (10): 1447-1450 115- The comparison of Islamic prophet with other prophets, International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences (jointly with Zahra Salehi Sadati) 2013 Available online at and (ISSN 2251-838X / Vol, 5 (1): 119-124) 116- Structural analysis of the lyrical language (based on Naftha al-Masdur), (jointly with Omid Zakiri Kish and Dr. Noorian), Tarbiat Modares University Linguistic Studies Quarterly, summer 2013, number 18, pp: 138-111. 117- Analytical review of the phrase: "My love made me die of Shahida", (jointly with Dr. Mehdi Noorian and Betul Heydari), Mystical Literature and Cognitive Mythology, Year 10, No. 35, Summer 2013, pp. 178-137 118- A comparative study of the concept of behavior in the novel Cesareta and the story of Sheikh Sanan (jointly with Zahra Soshasari), Quarterly Journal of Mystical Literature and Cognitive Mythology, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, No. 34, Spring 2013, pp. 161-191 119- The study of mythical semiotics of matriarchy in Shahnameh Jointly with Khodiar Mokhtari, International Journal of Education and Research, Vol. 2 no. August 8, 2014... 120- The semiotics of education and training in the story of Zal and Rudabah, (jointly with Dr. Morteza Hashemi and Khodiar Mokhtari), scientific research journal of educational literature, Islamic Azad University of Dehagan, 6th year, summer 2013, pp. 33-64. 121- The artistic structures of lover and beloved in two military works (jointly with Maryam Iranmanesh and Mohsen Pushharaki), research paper on Ghanaian literature, volume 12, issue 22, spring and summer 2013 122- Qur'anic authority in the teachings of Baha Al-Ould (Zahra Moini Fard and Dr. Agha Hosseini), Qur'anic Literary Research Quarterly, Q. 1, No. 4, Winter 2012, pp. 83-63 123- The place of the concepts of "poverty" and "perdition" in the mystical and narrative style of Attar Neishabouri (jointly with Rahman Ghorbani and Sayeda Maryam Rouzatian), the publication of stylistics of poetry and prose (Bahar Adeb, summer 2014, number 28) 124- Analysis of the narrative in Attar Neishabouri's mystical poem "Masibatnameh" based on the theory of prop, (jointly with Rahman Ghorbani and others), Kohnnameh Adab Parsi. 125- Linguistic functions in Ganjavi's military secrets repository (jointly with Dr. Zohra Najafi), Literature and Language Journal of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Vol. 36, Autumn and Winter 2013, pp. 333-307 126- Ethical and educational perspectives in the poetry of Vahshe Bafghi (jointly with Ali Alizadeh), Research Journal of Educational Literature of Azad Dehaghan University, Vol. 25, Spring 2014, pp. 1-36 127- Crystallization of a mythical devil in the kingdom of Bahram Sadeghi (jointly with Mohammad Chahar Mohali), Quarterly Journal of Mystical Literature and Cognitive Mythology, South Branch Islamic Azad University, Vol. 35, Summer 93, pp. 223-256. 128- Vahshi Bafghi’s Dejection and Love Contradictions(jointly with Ali Alizadeh) : (International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE ، Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2015, PP 1-11 ،2015 Volume 2, Issue 8, August , PP 1-11 ، (10/5/94). 129- A look at the life and works of Badr al-Din Hellalali Joghtai Asterabadi (jointly with Maryam Iranmanesh and Mahmoud Modbari), scientific and research journal of literature and language, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Vol. 37, spring and summer 2016. 130- Introduction of Badr al-Din Helali Joghtaei Ester Abadi and his Ghazal... (jointly with Maryam Iranmanesh and Mahmoud Modbari), scientific research quarterly of poetry and prose stylistics (Bahar Adeb), winter 2014, number 28 131- Cognitive phenomenological analysis of resistance literature based on the novel Hanging Bridge (jointly with Ziba Behrouz and Seyed Morteza Hashemi), Journal of Sustainability Literature (accepted 25/9/94) 132- Esfahani's poem Nazkh Khayal and its comparison with Khorasani's style poem (jointly with Mohammad Reza Nasr Esfahani and Jafar Chahar Mohali), Scientific Journal of Literary Studies, University of Lebanon, Winter, Spring and Summer 2013, No. 85, 86, 87, p. 139- 159. 133- Examining the epic aspects of the holy defense poem (shared with the middle legend), Basij strategic studies scientific research journal, accepted 10/20/2014 134- A look at the ways of characterizing and its differences in the two stories Malkut and Masakh, shared with Somia Sadeghian, Journal of Contemporary Literature of the University of Tehran, Volume 21, Number 2, 1/7/1395, pp. 298-314 135- Investigating the narrative structure of Soz and Gadaz system, a type of Khbushani, based on the theory of Zep Lint Volt, (jointly with Molud Talai), Quarterly Journal of Studies of Theory and Literary Genres, Hakim Sabzevari University, first year, number 1, winter 2014, pp. 41-59 136- Days in military poetry (jointly with Dr. Zahra Salehi), specialized scientific journal in Dari, Islamic Azad University of Najaf Abad, sixth year, number 18, Spring 2015, pp. 21-36. 137- Comparison of the ancient epic elements with the epic elements of the sacred defense poem (common with the middle legend), Basij Strategic Studies Quarterly, No. 68, Autumn 2014, pp. 134-111 138- A review of the semantic structure of the didactic genre in Maulavi's Masnavi (jointly with Amraleh Sultan Mohammadi), Dahaqan's Didactic Literature Research Journal, No. 30, pp. 30-1 139- Crystallization of freedom in the poems of Qahar Asi (jointly with Mohammad Zahir Faez), Persistence Literature Journal, accepted 8/15/94 140- Morphology of love stories of Shahnameh (jointly with Zeinab Arabnejad), scientific research journal of textology of Persian literature, Faculty of Literature, University of Isfahan, number 31, autumn 2015, pp. 23-38. 141- Alignment of Quranic teaching and satires of Baba Afzal Kashani (jointly with Maryam Shiri), Arak University's Qur'anic Literary Studies Quarterly, No. 13, spring 2015, pp. 32-59 142- Critical thought and ironic expression in "Statement of the Heirs of the Earth" (jointly with Mohammad Zahir Fayez, Hossein Agha Hosseini), Literary Review Quarterly, Volume 9, Number 36, Winter 2015, Pages 60-40 143- Phenomenology of emotion in resistance fiction with a look at the bridge of the hanging novel (jointly with Dr. Seyedeh Ziba Behrouz), Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric, Year 5, Number 2, Fall and Winter 2015, pp. 205-188 144- A reflection on the customs of the story of Samak Ayar (jointly with Azadeh Podeh), Textology of Persian Literature, University of Isfahan, No. 35, Autumn 2016, pp. 33-47. 145- A social psychological analysis of the societies of the stories - and Aufi's narratives (based on the process of persuasion in women's stories), jointly with Seyed Ziba Behrouz and Seyed Morteza Hashemi, Pej Vahshe Hai Adabi Quarterly, year 13, number 52, summer 2015 146- Phenomenological analysis of resistance literature based on the novel Paul Ma'alaq, (jointly with Sayeda Zeba Behrouz) Journal of Administrative Literature, Volume 9, Number 17, Fall and Winter 2016, Pages 42-23 147- Sacrificial Ritual in the Shahnameh (the story of Rostam, Esfandiar, and Siavash) (jointly with Mahmoud Aghakhani Bijani and Mohsen Mohammadi Pushharaki), Bimonthly Culture and Popular Literature Year 6, Issue 20, June and July 2017, Tehran, Tarbiat Modares University. 148- The structural similarity of Susan Rameshgar's story in Barzonameh with the myth of creation in his servant (shared with Jabar Nasiri), mystical literature and cognitive myth-Islamic Azad University, South Tehran branch, number 51, pp. 297-300 149- Analyzing the self-care pattern of the fairies in the lyrical stories of the Shahnameh (jointly with Mahmoud Aghakhani and Mohsen Mohammadi), Sistan and Baluchistan University Lyric Literature Research Journal, No. 31, Fall and Zamestlan 2017, pp. 28-9 150- Analysis of narrative elements in the literary descriptions of Yusuf and Zulikhai Jami's poems (jointly with Hajar Fathi and Zohra Najafi), literary research text, Allameh Tabatabai University, number 84, summer 2019, pp. 33-58 151- The functions of description in narration based on Yusuf and Zulikhai Jami (jointly with Hajar Fathi and Zohra Najafi), Isfahan University Persian Literature Textology Journal, number 42, summer 2018, pp. 58-4 152- Review and analysis of the symbology of Haft Khan Rostam's paintings, (jointly with Mahmoud Aghakhani Bijani and Mohammadi Pushharaki) Text Pzohuhi Adabi Journal, Year 22, Number 77, Autumn 2017 153- Razavi's life and culture, the basis of sustainable manners, (jointly with Mahmoud Agha Khani and others), accepted on 3/13/2017 154- Some new debates about literary genres (literary genre (jointly with Dr. Noorian and Amir Sultan Mohammadi), Research Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric-Tehran University, No. 1, 1/1/2018, pp. 95-112 155- Review, the course of grotesque and its background in Iran (jointly with Gholamhossein Sharifi and Fershte Alsadat Hosseini), Shahid Beheshti University's scientific research journal of literary history, accepted 2/12/20173. 156- Razavi's life and culture; Basis of Bisandari politeness (jointly with Agakhani and others), scientific research quarterly of Farhang Razavi, 6th year, number 24, Zamestlan 2017, pp. 125-155 157- From non-normativeness to trans-normativeness and silence in Shams's poetry (jointly with Sultan Mohammadi and Noorian), Literary Aesthetics Journal, Arak Islamic Azad University, No. 30, Winter 2015, pp. 30-9 158- Crystallization of freedom in the poems of Qahar Asi (jointly with Mohammad Zahir Fayez), Scientific Research Journal of Sustainable Literature of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Vol. 19, Fall and Winter 2017, pp. 157-176 159- A comparison of Khosrow and Shirin Nizami with the folk poetry of Shirin and Farhad Kurdi by Mam Ahmed Lotfi from the point of view of the mythological themes (jointly with Jabar Nasiri), Journal of Culture and Popular Literature of Tarbiat Modares University, scientific-research bimonthly, 7th year, no. 1, April and May 2018, pp. 231-252. 160- Rereading and explaining the general and special features of Abu Hamid Ghazali's epistemological geometry in the interpretation of Rialran Karim, (co-authored with Dr. Taqi Ajieh), the specialized journal Hikmatnameh Mahakher, fourth year, vol. 1, spring 2018, Association of Cultural Works and Mahakher. 161- Review of grotesque and its course and background in Iran, (jointly with Fereshte Al-Sadat Hosseini and Gholamhossein Sharifi), Shahid Beheshti University Literature History Magazine, 11th Volume, Number 2, Autumn and Winter 2017, pp. 54-27. 162- Review and analysis of the myth of Mehr in the book One Hundred Romantic Poems of Persian Literature (jointly with Jabar Nasiri), Journal of Persian Language and Literature of Tabriz University, Vol. 239, Spring and Summer 2018, pp. 209-183. 163- Analysis of unpoetic factors in Shamlou's prose poetry (jointly with Gholamhossein Sharifi and Mukhtar Fayaz), Research Poetry Magazine (Bostan Adeb), Shiraz University, No. 45, Fall and Winter 2019, pp. 218 to 241. 164- Analysis of sound and inflection in poems in Ashurai poems of Safai Jandaghi (jointly with Mahbobeh Khorasani and Mehdi Najafi), specialized scientific quarterly for studies of lyrical language and literature, Islamic Azad University of Najaf Abad, volume 9, number 31, pp. 81-97. 165- An analysis of the mythological sources of plants and trees in the culture of the people of Kohgilouye and Boyer Ahmad (jointly with Mohammad Reza Sharifi Rad and Gholamhossein Sharifi), bi-monthly journal of culture and popular literature, number 28, October and November 2018, pp. 171-192. 166- Analysis of views of death in contemporary poetry (jointly with Ali Mohammad Mahmoudi), Shiraz University Poetry Research Journal, number 43, Spring 2019, pp. 205-233. 167- Coordination of weight and content in Yaghmai Jandaghi's laments and elegies (jointly with Mehdi Najafi and Mahbouba Khorasani), Shiraz University Poetry Research Journal, No. 43, Spring 2019, pp. 234-260 168- Structural analysis of Dahhak's story based on the logic model of Claude Bermon's roles (jointly with Melli, Nasr Esfahani and Najafi), Textology Journal of Persian Literature, 12th year, summer 2019, number 2, pp. 36-19. 169- Comparison of Khosrow and Shirin Nizami with the folk poetry of Shirin and Farhad Kurdi by Mam Ahmad Lotfi from the perspective of Ibn Mayehai Astourei (jointly with Jabar Nasiri), Farhang and Popular Literature, 7th year of April and May 2018, number 25, pp. 232-252. 170- Analysis of the function of description in the poems of Laili and Majnoon Jami (jointly with Hajar Fathi and Zohra Najafi), acceptance of research paper on lyrical literature of Sistan University dated 1/18/1400. 171- Analysis of Aber Pahlavan in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, (jointly with Elham Saadat), Allameh Tabatabai University's Scientific Research Textbook, Volume 27, Number 95, Spring 1402, pp. 35-67. 172- Weiss and Ramin's defenses in the ethics court..., (jointly with Dr. Betul Heydari and Dr. Noorian), Quarterly Journal of Literary Studies and Research, Khwarazmi University, year 12, number 1 (series 19, spring 1400, pp. 30-56). 173- Stylistics of Ritual Poems in the Period of Sacred Defense (jointly with Dr. Agha Hosseini and Mansoura Rezaei), Kerman University's Research Journal of Sustainable Literature, Volume 13, Number 24, Spring and Summer 1400, pp. 59-83. 174- The Semantics of Flat Narrative from the Book of Maarif Bahawald, (jointly with Dr. Nasr Esfahani and Sediqeh Nasri), Scientific Research Journal of Literary Criticism and Theory, Volume 1, Number 11, Spring and Summer 1400, pp. 252-235. 175- Narrative analysis of description in Laili and Majnoon Jami (jointly with Hajar Fathi and Zohra Najafi), scientific research journal Pozhushnameh of Ghanaian literature, University of Sistan and Baluchistan, volume 20, number 38, spring and summer 1401, pp. 169-171.
Proceedings of conferences 176- Language and Culture in Central Asia, Persian Language Development Center Bulletin, Tehran 1370 177- The effect of the constitutional revolution on Persian literature, articles of the Iran Constitutional Movement Conference, first volume, summer, 1378 Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, a religious epic, collection of articles of the meeting of Malabman Ali Raji Kermani, University of Kerman, 1380 178- The status of Persian poetry in the Safavid era, collection of papers of Isfahan and Safavid conference, Vol. 1, 2010 179- The effect of Emad Faqih Kermani on Shamsuddin Hafez Shirazi, collection of articles of the conference of Emad Faqih Kermani (Koi Salamat), June 2011, pp. 225-233. 180- Khaqani and Isfahan, collection of Khaqani studies, Urmia University, June 2014 181- Safi Jami, the heart-burning poet of the border of the Persian Gulf, shared with Mr. Hossein Salimi, the international conference of the Persian Gulf in the scope of history, Isfahan University, the third volume of June 1384 182- The diversity of form and content in Diwan Sana'i, a collection of essays commemorating Hakim Sana'i 1384, Tehran University of Tarbiat Moalem, (Shorideh in Ghazna), Sokhon Publications, 1385 pp. 163-180 183- Aspects of military art in the description of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) (jointly with Mr. Mokhtari), Prophetic Art Conference, Isfahan Art University, December 2015 (accepted for publication). 184- Women in Sufism and mysticism, (jointly with Maryam Najafi) Persian language and literature promotion conference, Isfahan 1385 185- The role of Isfahan in the development of Persian language and literature, December 1385, (accepted for publication) 186- The artistic aspects of Parvin Etsami's poetry, Esfand A385, Hamaish Parvin, Tehran and Tabriz. The collection of articles of the Neko Desh Congress by Parvin Etisami, Khaneh Kitab, pp. 215-232 187- Simai of Isfahan in the literature of Gohar Riz (jointly with Reza Ghasemi), collection of essays of Isfahan's role in the development of science and culture, Azar 2015, pp. 201-211. 188- Rumi and Yakobson's Communication Theory, Rumi Conference and Literary Theories, Kerman University, Spring 2016, Rumi Research Papers Collection (Book 4), pp. 111-123 189- Isfahan and the evolution of Persian poetry, collection of essays of Isfahan school conference, vol. 2, summer 2017, pp. 37-50. 190- Love in the religion of Oman Samani (shared with God Yar Mokhtari), collection of articles of the Congress of Commemoration of Oman Samani (Arsa Simorgh), March 1387, pp. 265-276. 191- The goals of Rudaki's poetry, collection of essays of Rudaki's year (Roudeki's head of poets), September 1387, Khane Kitab, pp. 281-303, +**** 192- Internal evaluation of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Proceedings of the Internal Evaluation Conference, Shahrivar 1386, National Education Assessment Organization, pp. 284-269. 193- Imam's Message (jointly with Khadiyar Mokhtari), Bishdar Name (Articles of the Second Bishdari Literature Congress), June 2007, Kerman University. 194- The effect of Hassan Dehlavi's speech on Hafez's thought (shared with God Yar Mokhtari), collection of articles, Hasan Dehlavi International Conference, Zahedan, March 1366, (published spring 1388). 195- Personality and characterization in the novel Journey to 270 Degrees (jointly with Mahdi Najafi), Bisandari Literature Conference, Kerman, Bisandari Name (Collection of articles of the 3rd Bisandari Literature Congress), Kerman University, March 2019, Volume II, pp. 181-197. 196- An aesthetic analysis of norm deviation in Ahmed Azizi's poetry in Revelation Shoes (jointly with Zeinab Zare), Kermanshah International Conference of Literary Genres, acceptance date 7/24/1389. 197- Barat Estihlal in Sokhon Nizami (jointly with Zohra Consulting), Proceedings of the 5th Persian Language and Literature Research Conference (electronic), 10/8/1389, Sabzevar University, 10/8/1389 198- Baztab war in the poetry of Salman Herati (Salman Herati and the poem of holy defense) (jointly with Gholam Ali Bagheri), Name of Bayndari (Collection of articles of the Third Congress of Bayndari Literature), Kerman University, March 2019, Volume II, pp. 161-181 199- Review and analysis of Jung's ideal images in Khosrow Shirin Nizami, collection of articles of the regional conference "Review and study of the situation of literary criticism in Iran" (jointly with Shahrazad Niazi), (electronic) March 1389 200- The image of a woman in Hadiqeh Sana'i, the collection of papers of the international seminar on the role of Masnavi in Persian literature from the beginning to the present day, Vol. 1, Aligarh Islamic University, Aligarh, India, 14-16 February 2010 (February 3-4, 2010). pp. 37-62. 201- Salman Herati, a child or adolescent poet (jointly with Gholam Ali Bagheri), National Conference on the Role of Contemporary Literature in the Development of Iranian Culture and Literature, November 2018, Shushtar Islamic Azad University 202- Homay Cheharzad, the most powerful and oppressed woman in the Shahnameh (jointly with Ashraf Khosravi), collection of Ferdowsi research articles, July 1390, Tehran, Khane Kitab 203- An analytical perspective on ticket writing and Persian tickets (jointly with Ali Chalongar), collection of articles of the international seminar on ticket writing in Persian, Vol. 1, March 13-15, 2010 (1209 AD), Persian Research Center of Aligarh Islamic University of India 204- Review and comparison of the ethical and religious themes of the poetry of Abul Ala Maari and Saadi Shirazi (jointly with Akram Taki), collection of papers of the National Conference of Comparative Literature of Razi University, Kermanshah (20/2/2013), volume 2, p. 1095. 205- Educational aspects of Parvin's stories (jointly with Khodiar Mokhtari), collection of papers of the National Conference on Educational Literature and its Types, Islamic Azad University, Dehagan Branch, December 2013 206- Defamiliarization in Shams's ghazals, (jointly with Hasan Ali Kothari), collection of articles of the second international symposium on spiritual masnavis, spring 2012, Urmia-Van. 207- The sound of Rudaki's feet in Zahawi's poetry (jointly with Abbas Yadollahi), papers of the 7th international conference of Persian language and literature promotion engine, September 2013, Tehran, Allameh Tabatabai University, 616-634 208- The current language of music in the lyrical narrative of Bijan and Manijeh (jointly with Morteza Abbasi), papers of the 7th International Conference of Persian Language and Literature Promotion Engine, September 2013, Tehran, Allameh Tabatabai University, pp. 754-772. 205- Educational aspects of Parvin's stories (jointly with Khodiar Mokhtari), collection of papers of the National Conference on Educational Literature and its Types, Islamic Azad University, Dehagan Branch, December 2013 206- Defamiliarization in Shams's ghazals, (jointly with Hasan Ali Kothari), collection of articles of the second international symposium on spiritual masnavis, spring 2012, Urmia-Van. 207- The sound of Rudaki's feet in Zahawi's poetry (jointly with Abbas Yadollahi), papers of the 7th international conference of Persian language and literature promotion engine, September 2013, Tehran, Allameh Tabatabai University, 616-634. 208- The current language of music in the lyrical narrative of Bijan and Manijeh (jointly with Morteza Abbasi), papers of the 7th International Conference of Persian Language and Literature Promotion Engine, September 2013, Tehran, Allameh Tabatabai University, pp. 754-772. 213- The effect of glorification in Attar's poems (jointly with Sakineh Khyberi), collection of articles of the 10th conference of the Persian Language Promotion Association, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, 4-6 Shahrivar 1394, pp. 576-588 214- A man in Eshq field, a woman more in love than Khosrow (jointly with Mehdi Ziyai), a collection of articles of the 10th conference of the Persian Language Promotion Association, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, 4-6 Shahrivar 1394, pp. 603-589 215- The exemplary role of Shahid Kharrazi based on the analysis of the content of two works "He Said Nothing But a Smile" and "Khorshid Shalamcheh" (jointly with Habibullah Mohammadi), Collection of Articles of the 5th National Congress of Sustainability Literature, Volume II, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, 2014, pp. 319-340 216- Unifying factors in the poetry of the poets of the Islamic Revolution (jointly with Mahmoud Agha Khani Bijani), collection of papers of the National Congress of Sustainable Literature, accepted on 12/25/95. 217- Examining the lyrical language of Manajatnameh from the point of view of structuralism, Jonathan Kaler (jointly with Marzieh Esmailzadeh Mobarakeh), Proceedings of the 5th Literary Text Research Conference, Tehran, Organization of Documents and Documents of the National Library of Iran, May 2017, pp. 51-39 218- Examining the language, innovations and content of Hossein Manzavi's ghazal (jointly with Ali Mohammad Mahmoudi), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Persian Language and Literature Promotion Association, Shiraz University, 1379, pp. 1273-1255 219- The reflection of the sky in Rudaki's poetry (jointly with Yusuf Karmi Chame), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Association for the Promotion of Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz University, 1379, pp. 369-391 220- Characterization in children's literature (jointly with Fatemeh Saeedi), collection of articles of the 7th Scientific Conference on New Approaches in Human Sciences, Mehr 1401.
International Seminars 97. Shite thought in the Poetry in the Safavied Poetry. 3th Conferences of the European Who Study About Iran. September 1995( 1374). 98. The universality of Shahnameh as an Islamic art. (1999) The first Conference on the Islamic Arts. Museum. Malysis. 99. The Mutual Exchange of Literature and Culture. (2004) Proceeding of the second Malaysian International Conference. Putra University. Malaysia. 100. Imaginary aspects of Hakim Naser Khosroo. Tajikistan . the Seminar of Naser Khosroo . Doshanbeh and Ghobadian University. 1382. 101. The marriage in Gnosticism and Sufism. The Conference of Human loving and friendship of Hindustan Persian Literature. Aligarh Islamic University. Aligarh. 1385.Esfand. 102. Inspiration in the Point of View of Islamic and Christian Thinkers. Accepted Lecture in 1385. Seminar in the Micollac 2007. 103. Woman’s role in Sufism and Gnosticism. The collection of the Articles of the 38th international Seminar of the Asian Studies. Turkey. Ankara. 2007 September 15-10.P. 568. The investigational Plans 104. The investigational Plan on Islamic Hadithes from the first to present.( performed). 105. The investigational Plan on the in 7th Century Hadithes. ( Performing). 106. . The investigational Plan on Inner Assessment of Persian Group in Isfahan University ( performed). 107. . The investigational Plan on Gnostic Articles. ( with Rakhshandehmand). Scientific Center of the Department in the Isfahan University.( Performing). 108. . The investigational Plan on Correction of Sanaee’s Hadiqe. ( performing). The Adviser/ Leader on the PhD. Thesises
Title thesis Definition Dictionary of Mathnawi, Ali ,mohamadi, 16/9/1379 Guide 2 The illustration to Sanaaee’s Divan Mohammad Hassan Z farany 25/12/1382 Guide 3 Physiognomy of Society in Sanaaee’s Poetry Saeede Hatami 29/4/1384 Guide 4 The Correction of the Ali ameh Yusefe Nikrooz 19/10/1384 Guide 5 The Social Concepts in Saeb’s Divan Fereidoone Tamasebi 20/6/1385 Guide 6 The Study of Idioms of Quran at Literary Works to 6th Century Taqi Ajih 28/12/1385 Guide 7 The critic of Grammar Elements in Rahtoolmasdoor Seyed Mehdi Motovalli 28/12/1385 Adviser 8 the analysis o Of mortality in Attar and Moulavi works. TayebehFfadavi 23/7/1387 9 The study of The Resources and the changes in Joneidieh School Mehdi Rezaee 15/10/1386 Adviser 10 The Allegory and symbol in Allegory manzoome lyric Fallahi 12/4/1388 Guide 11 The Correction of Kefayatoltalim Fi Sanaat al tanjim Gholamreza salemian Adviser 12 The analysis of Gnostic Language on the basis of Symbolism Zorehe najafi 29/7/1388 Guide 13 The Leader and Adviser in M.A Thesises Number Title Student’s Name The date of Defended Adviser/Guide 1 Race at Shahnameh Mohamad Reza Masoomi 13/7/1379 Guide 2 The Speakers of Persian Poetry of Kelileh and Demneh Mohammad Ali Pakdel 17/11/1379 Guide 3 Poets’ Ascension Zorehe najafi 20/6/1380 Guide 4 The Study of Different Kinds of Metaphor of Shahnameh Mahmood Abasi Aghda 2/7/1380 Guide 5 The Study of Homaee’s Manner Mitra Hashemi 24/10/1381 Guide 6 Mahdi’s Manifestation at Verse Literature Ali Abedi 9/7/1382 Guide 7 The Woman’s Position in Prose Gnostic Texts to 8th Century Maryam Najafi 25/4/1385 Guide 8 The Moral Analysis of Bostan and Makhzanol asrar Reza Ghasemi 2/12/1385 Guide 9 The explanation of 100 Salmane Saweji’s Ghazal Ali Aqaee 15/6/89 Adviser 10 The Dictionary of Rarity words of Nezami’s Poetry Fereshteh Mahjoob 26/8/1380 Adviser 11 The correction of Manzoomeh of Khazaenolfawaed Aazam Nikbakht 28/8/1381 Adviser 12 Revenge at Shahnameh Sharbanoo kahid 31/6/1382 Adviser 13 Extraction and Allusion of Quran in Jami’s Divan Marzieh Shams 31/61378 Adviser 14 The Correction of Safi Jami’s Poetry and Diary Hossei Salimi 31/6/1382 Adviser 15 The correction of Adib Pishavari’s Gheisarnameh Farzaneh Janghorban 29/4/1383 Adviser 16 The Correction and Explanation of 30 odes of Sanaee Ghaznavi Ahmmad reza Sayadi 16/9/1384 Aaviser 17 The Study and Analysis of Nezami’s Gnostic point of View at Khamseh Kazemi 23/7/87 Guide 18 The Categorization and Analysis of Shahriar Works and Thought Rasul heidari 20/6/1387 Adviser 19 The study and Analysis of Jalehe Ghaemmaghami’s Biography and Poetry Adang 30/8/1386 Adviser 20 Mahdaviat at Contemporary Tradition Poetry Morteza Mirsaedi 30/8/1386 Guide 21 The Course of Development of Persian Poetry Rhythm Asra Sadat Ahmadi 25/6/86 Adviser 22 The Study Peymane Alast In Iraqi and Indian Style Batool Zahedi 15/10/1385 Guide 23 The Impact of Persian Old Texes on jamalzadeh Works Bahram Jaliliyan 28/9/85 Adviser 24 The Study of Common Concepts Between Sahifehe Sajadeh and Prose Monajat Soghra Salehi 12/12/1388 Guide 25 The Correction of Mathnavi e Bahram And Goolandam Maryame Heidari 28/4/83 Guide 26 The correction of Rerazoolmoolook Fi Nezami’s Reyazatolsolook Fatemeh Zorehvand 1/4/1387 Adviser 27 The correction of Tofatokmoolook Alilkbar Ahmadi Darani 15/7/77 Adviser 28 The Effect Of Thought In the great Persian Literature Poet’s Priding Maryam mahmoodi 4/2/1376 Guide 29 The Explanation of 50 Ghazals of hakim Sanaee Fatemehe Taheri 1/1/1376 Guide 30 The Study And The Analysis Of Sheikh Sanan’s tale In Manteqolteir Akram Qomi Najhadeh 12/7/71 Guide 31 Metonymy in Shahnameh( book 1&2) Mohama Zareh Zadeh Mehrizi 4/12/1376 Guide 32 The Study Of the Way of Narration in Nezami’s Khosrou and Shirin & Leili and Majnoon Hoda Arabzadeh 26/12/77 Guide 33 The Explanation of 100 Ghazals of Attar Neishboori MAnsoor Mohamadi 29/2/78 Guide 34 The correction of Pirlamal Ardestani’s Mahboobe seddyghin Book Fatemeh Mashhadipoor 6/7/1376 Guide 35 The Study Of the aesthetics Aspects Ahmade Azizi’s Poetry Zeinabe Zare Adviser 36 The Worship of the Creatures in Sanaee& Attar’s Poetry Sakinehe Kheibary 24/3/1388 Guide 37 The Explanation of 100 Salmane Saweji’s Ghazals Ali Aqaee 1379 Adviser 38 The Study and The Analysis Of the Sky in The Poetry in Khorasani’s Style Yusef Karami Chami 31/6/1388 Guide 39 The Analysis Of the Elements of Nature of Ferdousi ‘s Shahnameh Rahman Ghorbani 28/6/1388 Adviser 40 The Gnostic Paraphrase of Haj in Persian Literature to9th Century Asaki 30/7/1388 Adviser 41 The Grammar Features of Kashfolasrar Tajmir Riyahi 25/7/1388 Adviser 42 The Comparison of Saddi’s Teaching Thoughts and Samani’s Poets Mahboobeh Zare 28/7/1388 Adviser 43
Contact Email: Phone: 0311-793-3158 Fax: 0098-311- 7933163 Address: : Department Of Persian, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, The University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran Rank: Associated Professor. |