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Omid ZakeriKish, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department of Persian Language and Literature Faculty of Humanities University of Isfahan Isfahan,Iran
Bachelor of Art Persian language and literature (2000-2004) Shahid Bahonar Univesity Kerman, Iran
Master of Art Shahid Bahonar Univesity2004-2007 Kerman, Iran Shahid Bahonar University Kerman, Iran Ph.D. Persian Language and Literature (2010-2015) University of Isfahan Isfahan, Iran
Field of interest :
1- Literary genre 1- Lyric literature 2- Lyric language 3- Folklore literature
ZakeriKish, Omid, et. al. (2014). “Structural Analysis of Lyrical Language (Based on Nafsat-o-Masdur)”, Scientific Research Journal Language Related Research, Vol.5, No.2, Summer. “Folk Tales and Literary Genres According to Bighami's FirouzShah Nameh”, AdabPazhuhi, Giulan, Vol.7, NO. 24, Summer.. _____________, et. al. (2013). Critisim and Analysis of Mathnawi’s Interpretations Based on their Focus on Narratives, Distich Cohesion, and Mathnawi’s text. The journal of language and Literature. Bahonar University of Kerman. _____________, (2015). “The Analysis of the Lyrical Content of nafthat – al- maddoor”, Journal of Lyrical Literature Researchers, , vol. 13, No. 24, Spring & Summer. _____________, (2017). “Critical Review of the Lyric Literature Theory in Iran(based on the Pre-Islamic Literature), Journal of Research Literary Studies Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, .Vol49, No. 4 _____________, (2016)’’The main facets of Iranian pre-Islamic lyric literature (With an emphasis on love stories)’’ International Conference on Oriental Studies, Persian Literature And History.Yerevan State University, Armenia.
Contact Email: o.zakerikish@ltr.ui.ac.ir , o.zakeri@yahoo.com Pho: 031-37933165 Fax: 031-37933163 Address: Persian Lit. Dept., Lit. And Human Science School, Uni. Of Isfahan, City of Isfahan